RPA for Banking

Project summary

We have been developing and supporting UiPath projects for processes in Banking sector since 2018.

Preparing Suspicious Transactions and Anti-Money Laundering Reports with the format required by the Authorized Institution. . Automatic uploading to the state portal.
World-Check KYC Screening and preparing KYC Reports respecting Correspondent Banks. Additional reports by googling algorithms.
Collecting data for Letters of Guarantee which are older than 10 years and marking them as free from validity.
Updating customer data such as address, ID, communication details.
Handling promotions for customers which are moving their retirement salaries inside from other banks.
Updating the interest rates for special customers.
Collection financial data about the own staff and confirmation or disconfirmation the credit asked by the staff.
Preparing various standard reports for different departments.
Automatically controlling and approving transactions for different processes performed by different Robots.
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